What are LANs and why are they essential to your business?

Mar 15, 2023Blog

Local area networks, or LANs, allow employees to connect to the Internet and to each other without having to use public networks, allowing them to keep their data and communications private and secure, making them essential for businesses.


In addition, LANs are characterized by higher data transfer speeds, which can increase productivity. Let’s see what networks are and how LANs work and why they are so important for businesses.

What is a network?


A network is defined as “any interconnected system for sharing resources”. In computing, this definition applies to resources such as data storage, applications, printers and people. A network allows computers to communicate with each other so that people can share files, access centralized data, print documents from remote locations and much more.

Types of networks

Local Area Networks (LAN)

A local area network (LAN) is created when computers and devices are connected in a relatively small geographic area, such as a house or office building.

Wide Area Networks (WAN)

A wide area network (WAN) connects computers and devices over long distances (like all LANs worldwide) and usually requires special leased lines or satellite links. The Internet is an example of a WAN because it connects millions of users around the world.

How do LANs work??

A local area network (LAN) is a computer network that interconnects computers within a limited area, such as a home, school, office building or data center. LANs work by connecting computers and other devices together via a network cable in the same office or building, or for different locations. The cable is usually connected to a router, which provides access to the Internet and acts as a firewall, helping to maintain the privacy and security of LAN data.

Types of LAN networks

There are three common types of LAN topologies: bus, star and ring.

BUS topology

A bus topology connects all devices on a single cable called a backbone.

Star Topology

A star topology connects all devices to a central device called a hub or switch.

Ring Topology

A ring topology connects all devices in a loop.

What are LANs used for in the company?

There are many reasons to use a LAN: efficiency, security, flexibility and cost-effectiveness are just some of the advantages. Setting upand maintaining a LAN is often much less expensive than paying monthly subscription fees associated with cloud services or renting space on a WAN.

Below, we will list some specific advantages that your company would have with LANs:

    • To connect computers and other devices within your office so that employees can share files and printers.
    • To give employees access to the Internet without using the company’s bandwidth.
    • To increase security by keeping confidential data within the office.
    • Improve performance by reducing latency (the time it takes for data to travel from one point to another).
    • Allow employees to work from anywhere in the office.
    • To monitor employee activity.
    • To provide customer support via live chat or videoconferencing.


As you can see, a local area network (LAN) is key for companies that want efficient communication between employees, as well as control over their data storage and security measures, can help increase productivity and save companies money. If you are not yet using LANs in your company, we strongly recommend that you start doing so.


If you have any questions about whether this type of network is right for you, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to help you determine if LANs are right for your company’s needs.